Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 2 in Seattle

today was such a great day. we got so much stuff done. 

I woke up 5am Seattle time/7am Minnesota time. I started getting ready for the day, took a nice long shower, and then had some quiet time with God. what a great time it was. 

I was reflecting on the bible passage from Psalms. it was Psalms 40:12-13 "For troubles surround me-- too many to count! They pile up so high I can't see my way out. They are more numerous than the hairs on my head. I have lost all my courage. Please, LORD, rescue me! Come quickly, LORD, and help me."
I just love this passage because no matter what He is there. There may be so many trials that one person may be going through but our Father is right there with us helping us through. like He said in the song "By your side" by Chris Tomlin

And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you

God is there through the thick and thin. through the high and low. through every calm and every storm. He will never give you anything that you can not handle. 

throughout the rest of my day. we got many things done before the rest of other students arrived. We had to go and get all the training materials printed and set up for there arrival tomorrow. we also had to go shopping for the food and the snacks for the next month. (of course we will go many times to the store to reload).

While at Kinkos printing off the training materials there was supposed to be another student to arrive around 1030am. we were not hearing any phone calls from him so we were getting a little worried at where he was at. we did not know if his flight was delayed or if he did not even get on a plane- nothing -. so we decided that since it was already 1230pm that we would try to call him to see if he will answer and what was going on. there was no answer. so then we were really worried. we tried calling his home and there was no answer there so uncle Tom left voice message. 
while in Costco's picking up groceries we get a phone call around 230pm saying that Chris was in. YAY! thank God nothing happened to him. when finished at costco's we headed for the airport to pick up our new friend. we came back to campus and unloaded all the groceries and put them all away, and just relaxed until our next adventure to pick up the only guy student staff here on project Drew. He is such a sweet guy. lol. we scared him when we went to pick him up. pretty hilarious. 

we decided it would be pointless to come back to campus when we will be leaving again to pick up another person 2 hours later so we ran more errands of getting more groceries and going to uncle Tom's home and grabbing some essentials we needed. then off again to the airport to pick up Nick. what a sweet guy. he will fit in very well here on project. 

I am just so thrilled to meet all these people the past couple days and I can not wait to see everything we will be doing together. and getting to know more about all these guys. we have 28 people all together including staff and I have only met 8 people. there will be another 20 tomorrow :) I cant wait til we pick up the rest of the other students. 

God is going to change hearts on this trip and I am so excited. 

I know that this is very long. 

hope all your summers are going well
much love and prayers
~ Susan ~

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"

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